Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Scones, coffees and G&Ts

Gym ✔️

Jordan came to take Archie out for a big long walk. He had his binoculars, as he's a bird spotter too. Archie was so happy to see him!

A couple of ex-colleagues visited this morning. They were confused when there was no barking to greet their bell ringing! No Archie.

We walked across the Links for scones and coffees. I missed the best photo of the day. A big Old English Sheepdog was at the next table (actually, on the floor), and at one point he put his big paws on the counter and had a good look in. The young lady making a coffee looked over and laughed. But I was too slow.

We dandered back home and the girls were lured in for a G&T. And this time they were greeted by a yapping dog.

Later, I took Archie round the block, and a lady stopped to pat him. We walked along the road together, and she said she'd come from Australia. I mentioned my connection with NZ, and she asked where. Turns out she lived in the same wee town! We were there at the same time, in the 80s. We tried to remember names, but chances are, we'll have mutual acquaintances. She's coming round for a cuppa gin and tonic next week. All because of wee Archie.

A nice day. Meeting a new friend, and a reminder of how glad I am not to be teaching any more. It's a tough job.

Here's Archie sporting his 'comb-over'.

Not a good look, Arch.

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