Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


It's been a damp day
Soggy, I might even say
The rain it has persisted
So help I have enlisted
In the form of some brass
Letters, in reverse, alas
That spell out a tiny word
So seldom, these days, heard
But which, with some thought
Repeats what we were taught
That to give is so much better
Than, apart from in a letter,
Saying thanks for your gift
It really gave us a lift,
It's much better than to receive
And in truth, must deceive
One's mind into thinking well!
I'm better off, I can tell
Than they that have nought
Yet even though I have not sought
This thing that I was given
My mind with guilt it is riven
And indeed it's rather perverse
But I'm feeling joy in reverse

Terry Rhiannyr
October 2012

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