
By don_T

Saturday morning Pilates Sub

I am covering the odd Saturday morning Pilates class for an absent instructor - i covered a 6 month maternity leave for her the last half of 2017. It was great to see both new faces and old during today's 1st class back. Lovely studio, space, energy & students! I was able to ride my hybrid bike to and from class (25 min each way, although heading home is more uphill). I have a mid day hair appointment and then will work on my barre class homework, learning new blocks to teach next week. My sweetie rowed as usual this morning and then is volunteering this afternoon at the rowing club for an open house as they prepare for the annual Mississauga Marathon, which has it's start in front of the rowing club (a great opportunity to showcase their club and find new members). There is also the annual Toronto Goodlife Matathon tomorrow (Sunday). Luckily we have beautiful weather today, hopefilly we will have same tomorrow for all the marathons!

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