Oh Oh Bananas

Sophie had us up bright and early this morning after her sleepover; OK , it was early and she was bright at least. You can see the bruise from yesterday's face plant on her cheek if you look closely.

While we were getting breakfast she wanted me to play a track from a CD that had taken her fancy when I played it a few weeks back. It's by the Yockomo All Stars Band, a New Orleans Jazz /  R&B outfit and she was swinging her hips and singing the only lyric which she interprets as "Oh Oh Bananas" at the top of her voice.It's the sort of funky jazz tune that get's you doing that, although after a dozen or so consecutive plays older hips than Sophie's may have been getting a bit stiff.

It's actually called Blow, Blow Tenor; I can't find a link to it anywhere but the album, Dew Drop Out, is worth a listen if you can find it. ( It came out in 1998 mind you)

Anyway, the early start meant we'd got everything prepared for a first barbecue of the year by the time Kate & Joel arrived mid morning and we met up with Chris at the outdoor pool from yesterday's blip for a pre -BBQ swim.

Kate text us a while back to say that, when they got home at 5, Sophie insisted on going to bed and was soon fast asleep. Someone else is in for an early start tomorrow!

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