Can't buy me love

I seem to have been out of the office for ages, just bobbing in once or twice a week. Even this week, when I was hoping to be in full-time from Tuesday to Friday, went awry; school, Tuesday morning, and then the meeting with Janet, yesterday. 

Today, though, I was in all day. So, after voting, I popped into Booths and bought a bag full of pastries to take into work. Nothing says "Hey, remember what a nice guy I am" like a bag full of Danish goodness. Friends, you can buy love, if only temporarily.

As for the voting, well, the wife of a very good friend of mine was standing for the Tories. She would make a great councillor, you know; hard-working, conscientious, all the things you need for someone who will make things happen locally. But my pencil didn't hover for a moment. I'm never going to vote Conservative.

I had three votes to spend on this occasion. There were, as it happens, three LibDem candidates but also one for Labour (plus sundry Greens etc). Labour is not big 'round here or particularly well organised (I emailed them, once, offering support, and they never replied). After a quick mull, I decided to vote for two of the LibDems plus one (probably) wasted vote for the Labour candidate. 

Karma was quick to respond; I bumped into Tim Farron on the way up to Booths for the Danish purchase. 

-12.9 kgs
0 words
Reading: 'Reality Is Not What It Seems'

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