
Chris left for the AFM today. After my talking-to last time both Betsy and Al put on a brave face but we were all a bit low after he left.

Al has had rattly cough and an on-off temperature for a day or two and was bad again this morning. He rallied around lunchtime when we were making these puppets. We've been planning these for a while - Al is holding the two half finished beautiful-but-evil baddies. That is his favourite character type! They made five in total and they are planning a puppet show for me to film and email to Chris.

In the afternoon they watched The Golden Compass. Betsy loves that film and was really excited about showing it to Al. They were a very cute sight, snuggled up on the sofa together. Not sure if Al was really gripped or just laid low by flu.

Betsy has gone to a Halloween party dressed as a blood-splattered zombie with a knife through her head and a slashed up t shirt. Al has spent the entire time curled up in a little ball on my bed, burning up. I'll have to drag him out to go and pick Betsy up soon, poor thing.

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