Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Face value

Things are not always exactly as we think they are. This, for example, is a Vauxhall motor car. I stopped to chat with the owner who was swapping the wheels around, he had borrowed a pair while his originals were repaired. To look at you would think that the pair at the rear were larger than those at the front, but a tape measure told a different story. There was hardly any difference at all in the external diameter but what was causing the optical confusion was the fact that the front pair have a much smaller diameter rim (with correspondingly shorter spokes, naturally) and a much deeper tyre. So there you have it.

Earlier in the day I had a lengthy and fascinating conversation with someone who has inside knowledge of the dinosaur exhibit I mentioned on Saturday. It seems that it is much more than a 21st Century ghost train after all and includes real live fully trained staff who are knowledgeable about all things Jurassic. Real paleontologists have given it the thumbs up in terms of authenticity, so it is far more informative than the film, and if you are lucky enough to visit as a group of adults without small people in tow there is every chance that your experience will be cranked up to suit your age group.

My next job now is to arrange a trip to see the dinosaurs with my mum, my sister and my nieces. It might cost a few bob but it is live theatre so I think that might justify it after all.

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