Morning commute

It was bright sunshine when I woke this morning, and the day seemed to be set fair.
I had to head across to the island of Sanday today to have a look at a job, so caught the ferry after a couple of little errands in town. The trip across on the boat was lovely and I spent my time on deck taking photographs. I quite liked this shot taken as the boat bobbed along to Sanday.
After having a look at the job, and with all the info I need for an estimate, I had some time to kill and spent it being a bit of a tourist, making it to Start Point lighthouse, and also to the site of a wreck of the German Torpedoboat-Destroyer B98. 
It was lovely in the strong sunshine.
Back on the mainland I met up with  my beautiful wife for a curry before heading home. It has been a grand day.

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