The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Balls Up

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was an easy Sunday. Eldest Mini Princess and I went for a wander with Murphy to Biker Chick’s flat to return her forgotten specs case from the previous evening.

Her daughter Wee G had just come back from University on the train that morning for the summer (WTF, it’s only May?!) and was recovering from the end of term night out, in her pjs and wrapped in a blanket!

Murphy made himself right at home by chewing the shoes in the hall and destroying a spiky massage ball. Probably just as well. Those things hurt!

We are still in fear that summer wont last and it will snow next week so the BBQ was fired up again. Murphy was very excited as he knew that would be a sausage and a some chicken coming his way. I can’t believe The Prince accuses me of being soft with him.


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