
By ChezRobz

Chunking up

I think it's clear to any subscribers or anyone who happens to view my blipstream that I breastfeed my son. This obviously means no measuring formula or water, no concept of how much milk he's getting, no clue if he's thriving or not.....or is it? He's chunky (and long!) and has plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He's content and fed on demand. Why why why does he need to be weighed weekly?!

I have to be honest that it's easy for me as Noah has done nothing but gained ever since he initially lost a LOT of birthweight when he was weighed on day 4. Even though I can see he is a chunk and I can feel that he's gained, it still brings me anxiety when the health visitor brings her scales in.

He's 5 and a half weeks here and enjoying being naked :) Love those rolls!

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