Mo and Max

I really don't know these 2 dogs names...but they look like a Max and a Mo. 2 well-behaved dogs...never heard a bark out of them.

At the time I retired from my mail route...I was feeding 45 dogs. Cost me a small fortune in dog biscuits.

One summer day I approached 2 dogs behind a fence like this, although it wasn't this fancy...the old chain link style. I always threw a bone to the younger dog, but I handed the bone through to the older dog. I had to hand it to her...because if I didn't...the younger dog got both bones.

Somehow, while attempting to take the treat , she got her teeth stuck in the links of the fence. She immediately started freaking out and crying. I tried to wedge her teeth off the fence...but couldn't pry her loose.

I ran to the homes front door...knocking loudly. The young homeowner came running out in her bikini...which was...looking back...a bonus.

"YOUR DOG'S MOUTH IS STUCK ON THE FENCE...AND I CAN'T PRY IT LOOSE!!! She couldn't either, and the dog continued to wail. The lady ran back to the front of the house as I tried not to look. "FOCUS...FOCUS!!!"

She came flying out the back door...straddled the dog...grabbed her muzzle...and really wrenched it forward. 15 seconds later...the 2 front teeth came up and over the link, and the dog was free. Needless to say...the dog whimpered away...never getting my biscuit.

Keeping my eyes above the homeowners neck...I looked right into her eyes, and said I was sorry. She understood, because she knew that her dogs looked forward to my arrival every day.

Thanks to Mo and Max for that memory jog.

A working squirrel, and an eating woodpecker are on my Flickr page. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Lisa and I are heading to Florida Sunday morning for just short of 2 weeks.

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