The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Early Birds

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Youngest Mini Princess and I went for a huge early morning with Murphy. We are definitely the morning people in the house. YMP is always at her chirpiest first thing in the morning. The Prince and Eldest Mini Princess look generally confused for the first hour or so after they rise, and are best left to come round gently. When I first started going out with The Prince, it was a bit of a shock to his system that I was INSTANTLY wide awake when I opened my eyes and went into full on chat mode. His preferred method of communication in the morning was silence. Preferably mine!

Eldest Mini Princess cracked the whip again and we spent the afternoon gardening. (LTJ - what have you created?!) Murphy was as helpful as ever, happily wandering into the flower beds we were weeding for the odd pee. Not sure the lavender smells quite as lovely now.

I felt totally chilled by the end of the day. My perfect way of relaxing is to be busy doing stuff!


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