Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


The scout association puts on a huge fireworks display and bonfire nearby every year. The number of people attending the display each year seem to grow in size too which is great as it raises a lot of money for them. The fireworks display is set to music and it's all very hi-tech in comparison with the fireworks I remember from my youth....a roman candle and a catherine wheel (and always the naughty kids throwing bangers!!)

Lewis doesn't like to stand around in the cold so he gave it a miss. Jed and Rowan spotted their friend Olivia....out of all the hundreds of people there it was quite a coincidence....and they spent most of the time running up and down a muddy hill. Anyway, I like fireworks and, although there is a bit of rain on the lens here, this is my favourite shot of the evening.

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