An Evening in da Gairden

Woke up with mist hanging over, but it soon cleared and been a lovely sunny and warm day.  Bit breezy tonight.

I've been working on the museum desk again today.  It's been a really busy day, two cruise ships in Lerwick.  There was also various set ups for events over the weekend.  I had planned to go to the peat hill after tea, but popped into the garden for a brief moment, and ended up there all evening!  Feet up now for the night. 

My brief moment in the garden ended up being over three hours!  But I've got loads done.  I've potted up all my pots now, and started my shrubbey garden too.  After all was done, I cleaned out the shed with a tidy and sort out.  The main flower beds are heading up the slope here, and the shrubbery garden is on the left.  I only planting flowering shrubs, hopefully attract insects.  It's still a mess on the left, and also where I'm standing, but it's a lifetimes work ahead.  Shame the light had gone from the garden, but another update soon.  Taken at Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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