A Sunny Day

But with a knife edged wind.

I thought I would take out the infrared camera today - ideal for the wispy clouds. Not too bad for trees either.
This log has been on my 'to shoot' list for a while but there has always been something not quite right.

There are more IR shots if you mooch around those links.

When we went for our soup whist Squirrel was at gymnastics I still had the IR camera with me. Lowish light levels, IR and portraits are not great bedfellows - as this demonstrates. But outside it can still be used without giving the game away.

After getting home it was down to the park. 
The wind was still evident but it didn't seem to bother the monsters. 
I have no idea why The Cygnet chose to sit out on the edge of the climbing frame.

Jay is beginning to enjoy going out into the garden on his own ……… for short periods. But he is getting there. 

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