As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

A Wake

Woke up and went for a 3.5 mile run. I took this on my way over the bridge. When I passed a has station, the line was already about a quarter of a mile long and it hadn't even opened yet. Alyssa drove me and Kenny to meet up with Jack and Casey at Cedar Creek to volunteer some more. We made up some bags of food for people to deliver to those that couldn't leave their houses or had no gas to get here. Later on we sorted clothes with a bunch of other kids from school that were there to help. I stayed until about 2:15 and then went home to do some homework. After dinner Sam picked me up and we went to Friendly's with Adam and Danielle. Adam has neck fat and Danielle hates borrowing money almost as much as she hates telling a waiter she's not going to have anything. Almost. We went to Hershey's afterwards so that I could bring my family ice cream. We played some football on Sam's lawn before going inside. Danielle and Alyssa came by and we played some Call of Duty while snapchatting a whole lot. Danielle gets really into COD...

Word of the Day: Splendiferous - Magnificent; fine

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