Penrith castle

Up to Penrith early this afternoon to have lunch with an ex-colleague who's just started his own business. I keep thinking I should visit Penrith more often; it seems like an interesting town and it looked lovely in the sunshine today. 

Phil met me at the station and we walked down the road, past what's left of Penrith Castle (an impressive amount considering its age), to a pub for lunch. The food was good, as was Phil's company, and the time flew by and just a couple of hours after I arrived, I was back at the station for the train back to Oxenholme. 

I was still chatting to Phil as the train came in and I glanced up to the board to ensure it was stopping at Oxenholme, said my goodbyes, and hopped on board. At which point, belatedly, I did the maths and realised I was going to get back nearly an hour earlier than expected. I looked at the Trainline app and realised that I was supposed to be getting the train north to change at Carlisle and come back south.

At this point I began to doubt whether I had seen "Oxenholme" on the station display. I looked at the app again; there was no train at this time tomorrow. I seemed to be on a non-existant train. I had a flashback to the time I caught a train home from London, which I wrongly assumed stopped at Oxenholme, and ended up in Glasgow.

But no, as Kendal appeared through the window, so the train began to slow. What a relief.

And after that, I drove home, caught up on some work and walked down into Kirkby to have a couple of beers with my chum, Hugo, before meeting Dan and Abi for a curry. Perfect!

-13.2 kgs
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Reading: 'Company Of Liars'.

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