
The allotment with the fruit bushes (red currant, black currant, blue berry, raspberry and gooseberry) and rhubarb in the fore.  Beyond are two apple trees and a plum tree.  Then further over still are the beds of vegetables, so far with peas, courgettes, marrows, squash, swiss chard, sweetcorn, kale, carrots and spinach planted.  I've still got some leeks to go out but that will be all the planting I plan for this year.  I hope some of it grows well and provides some delicious meals.

Andy and I had a lovely walk with Merlin this morning, before the heat of the day.  Then this afternoon we finalised our design for the front garden.  We thought we'd got it all sorted but when we went outside again and looked we decided our original plan didn't work so it was back to the drawing board.  Three hours and rather a lot of brain work later, we think we have come up with a design that we like.  It is a difficult space as it is very small and has a slope to one side so it needs to be a simple yet effective plan.  We've also got a bench to go in the garden so we can sit and watch the sun go down over the fields.

It is such a joy to have some time off work, some sunny warm weather and to be at home being able to do things I enjoy with Andy and Merlin.  

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