
By LadyPride

New Babylife - 10 Things

10 Things you don't know before you have a baby...but do now..

1. The unbelievable way you will feel when your baby smiles or laughs

2. How tired it is possible to be (a hackneyed cliche for new Mums but so so true)

3. How you will find some energy from somewhere even when you think you have none left

4. The amount of times your washing machine will go on in a day

5. How incredibly difficult it is to eat breakfast or lunch or make a cup of tea

6. That your hair will fall out in clumps leaving you with a balding hairline (this month's rather alarming discovery)

7. That it takes planning and military precision to leave the house, even for a short walk (especially the colder it gets - more layers, more getting ready for you and baby)

8. That you actually won't mind changing your baby's nappies, wet or otherwise

9. How hard smalltalk with other adults can be when you're low on reserves (most social occasions for me these days)

10. How absorbed you will become in your baby and their requirements, often shutting out the rest of the world (even if you swore you would never be like that)

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