
By LadyPride

Pram Nazi

Oooohhh am really angry today. I have been to an unnamed (although God knows why I am protecting it) deli in Didsbury several times now for lunch or work meetings and always had brilliant service (and food).
So I was really looking forward to punctuating Audrey and I's walk there this afternoon with a slice of cake and cup of tea there. How wrong could I be?

The exact same woman who has been lovely every time I've been in there treated me with utter disdain today. All because I had a pram.
She couldn't have made it clearer that we weren't welcome. It was so insulting.

I wouldn't have minded but it was 3pm, there was hardly anyone in there (see pic - and two of those women - sat behind me - had prams too!) I was even kind enough to ask her where she would prefer I park it before I sat down.

She just huffed and puffed and made tutting noises as she walked past us, even though I'd tucked it out of the way.

How dare she? I had money, I was a customer like anyone else. How could she be so nice to me when I was in work gear ordering a Caesar salad and so horrible when I was dressed down with my baby ordering cake. As though I was some kind of inferior being.

In the end I got so sick of her audible whinging (she made some remark to her staff about needing a bigger place and it turning into a creche) that my temper got the better of me. As she delivered my cake (I'd gone right off it that point) I stared at her and said, "I'm getting the feeling you don't like prams" and "Don't worry we got the message" as I stroked Audrey's head in a protective manner (using my child already to win an argument - brilliant!)

She looked flummoxed and muttered something and walked away; sheepishly arriving back at my table as I paid the bill trying to suddenly make smalltalk with me. "How old is she?" blah blah.

I was pleasant enough but she saw the anger in my eyes. I won't be going back, she just lost a customer, permanently.

So for anyone in Didsbury fancying a cup of tea and a cake in pram-friendly surroundings, be warned.....there are Pram Nazis out there!!!

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