Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Thursday — On the Road

After an early morning class and Quiz #3, I headed to my eye exam appointment at Kaiser Medical in Riverside — three appointments in a row, first a photo of my optical nerve, then a field of vision test (which I hate because it is tedious), and finally an exam by Dr. Bainer. He said all is well and that I am good for another six months.

So home to quickly pack the car, put three pups in their backseat places, and we were on the road. We left our Trenton Street driveway at 12:45 (stopped there to see how the professionals are doing with setting-up the moving sale, which is still a couple weeks away).

We knew that traffic through Los Angeles would be sluggish, but oh well.

The total driving time was 4 hours 30 minutes which is pretty good, but we stopped three times — Ventura, Buellton, and Morro Bay — to stretch, to eat, to pee, and pee the dogs and give them some water, and last stop was to top the gas tank.

Arrival at the little lavender house was celebration time! The last time we left here was Thursday morning, April 12th.

We left here on the 12th with these things on our agenda: Two bathrooms were going to be rebuilt at the little house we would be moving into; the estate sale would happen at Grammie Fun’s house April 26-28; Grammie Fun’s memorial celebration with the family on April 28th, and then the final cleaning out of Grammie’s house, and putting her house and our house on the MLS (multiple listing service) to get them both sold. And they did both sell and both entered escrow on the same day — Friday, May 4th. Moving both of our Tuff Sheds to the big back yard at the little house. Then the packing-up of our house and moving into the itty-bitty house that we’ve owned for years. And all the while being prepared to teach classes every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and finishing the second half of the semester.

So a few days at our Central Coast home is what we’re desiring!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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