Blue Mountains

Took the train from Central to Katoomba. 2 hours through the western suburbs then through the countryside to the Blue Mountains National Park in a super comfy double decker train!

Once at Katoomba and wrapped up warm (it was 6 degrees when we arrived) we grabbed a coffee from ‘True to the Bean’ cafe and walked to Scenic World. Scenic World has several ways to explore and view the edge of the valley. A cable car across (tiny blue dot on the right of the photo), an incline railway down (much faster than expected!) and a cable car back up. There is also a board walk at the bottom to walk amongst the trees. It was amazing being back in pure forest air again!

Once back ‘up top’ we went to the Yellow Deli for lunch. The place is a like a log cabin, roaring fire and amazing food and drink. A big bowl of chilli each and a hot cider for me was just the ticket to warm back up. So good I bought the mug to take home, literally!

A fantastic day and proof once again you don’t always need a car!

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