Wild Garlic

A breezy day from the north, but the sun has been shining all day, and lovely and warm in the lea. 

The day started with a school tour, topic about the sea.  I had the rest of the day working in the museum office, and I've been scanning photos from the Lerwick Observatory.  They include the workers, equipment and housing.  After tea and straight out into the garden.  My garden has been popular with the sparrows today, and babies ones too.  Mam and Elise came over, and headed out for a walk with Sammy and meet friend Julie.  We also collected more plants from the greenhouse.  Working in the pub tonight.  

I needed a good walk at lunchtime, and headed for a walk in the woods.  A very relaxing stroll, with birds singing, and a wonderful smell from bluebells, other flowers and then the wild garlic.  There sure was plenty of it about today, maybe need to try cooking with it.  Taken at Kergord woods, Weisdale.  

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