Kolymbia Beach

After finally getting to sleep at about 3am, I woke up at 6.30am and instead of turning over and going back to sleep I got up and went out onto the decking to see what kind of view we had and to check out our pool.  I wasn’t disappointed and have added a few photos to my extras.  

I came back inside and tried to get back to sleep but I couldn’t, so there was only one thing for it - put my cossie on and go for a swim while I had the pool to myself.  There are 12 rooms that open onto it and therefore it’s a 50 metre pool, which is great for my lengths.  I did 20 in total which is equivalent to my usual 40 of the indoor pool at my gym.

After my swim I had a shower and then sat outside in my bathrobe just enjoying the peace and quiet, and once Alan was up, we went for breakfast.  Then we went to speak to the manager about our room!

It seems that they do this and then offer you the room for an extra cost - I guess most people agree to it, but I said I wasn’t happy, that I felt it was like dangling a carrot and saying ‘this is what you could have!’.  So she said we could move to the room that we’d booked, but I said I didn’t want to spend my morning having to pack our things back up and then have to move rooms and said that I felt they should just let us stay in the room.

To cut a long story short, we haggled on the price and have got a very good deal to stay in this room and she’s given us two days ‘All Inclusive’ - we booked half board.  

After that was sorted we went to the welcome meeting and then came back to the room to unpack.  The rest of the day has been spent exploring and then we came back to the hotel to relax on our deck and spent time in the pool.  It’s money well spent and very relaxing!

Now we’re going for dinner and then we’re going to a bar so Alan can watch the Canadian Grand Prix.  Happy days!

Hope you’ve had a good weekend!

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