
By LadyPride

C'est Sophie

Gave in to South Manchester peer pressure and finally bought 'Sophie La Girafe'; which it turns out is some kind of cult French teething toy (see pic).

Audrey seems a bit non-plussed so far but we'll persevere, after all as a dyed-in-the-wool Francophile; if it's good enough for the French, it's good enough for moi!

Awful night's sleep. Second in a row that Audrey has returned to her waking every half hour after her 3am feed. At 5am this morning we relented and brought her in with us - at first she looked delighted, turning her head from left to right checking it was really happening. Yep, there's Dad....yep, there's Mum. Then adoringly she started trying to wriggle over to her Dad, even pawing his face. Despite being grumpy and tired, even he had to coo. It was pretty gorgeous.

I've been trying to get a nap all day to compensate but for one reason or another it just didn't happen. I hate playing 'chase the nap', it never works as you can guarantee someone will knock on the door or your baby will decide to keep waking just as you close your eyes!

We went out shopping in the end and bumped into my parents at the Trafford Centre who kindly held Audrey (not that much of a hardship by the smiles on their faces) so I could get a coffee and a sandwich.

Then it was home to play with her new toys before a grumpy bath-time.

I really should call some friends tonight as have been truly awful lately at getting back to people but I just don't have the energy. I am so so tired. It will be an early night instead as even if I did call, I fear my chat would be rather lacklustre. I have been a bloody awful friend this year - a walking, talking cliche of a new (self-absorbed) Mum sadly. I have a lot of making up to do in 2013....

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