Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

A Hint of Narnia

Also, my partner is working, so I spend the morning doing chores, apart from putting the first lot of washing on, and working on the commute bike for next weekend's charity bike ride. I will be spending the night in St. Andrews, so need the bike to be in a good condition as possible. So juggling not getting my hands too dirty on the bike, hanging washing out, and dealing with the grocery shopping.

I finished most of the bike maintenance, it goes forward and the brakes work, and have a late lunch when I get the text to say my partner has finished. I bring the washing in, with clean hands, just in case the thunderstorms arrive before heading to Cameron Toll.

At Cameron Toll, near the Braid Burn, a nearby plant has released fluffy seeds over the grass. It looks a bit like Narnia, perhaps the White Witch is doing some shopping.

My partner is having some lunch in a café. then we have a quick shufty around the shops there, then head up to Newington to have a look around the charity shops. We also have a very nice coffee and cake.

Heading home, the thunderstorms have passed Edinburgh by. There are a few spits and spots, and then a short rain shower but nothing spectacular.

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