Grey eyelashes

Sooooooo today my very lovely owner, Ann, has been very busy. This morning after my trek around town, she cleaned our neighbours very lovely holiday let. .........….RANT will follow...............

This afternoon I had to have early walk because Ann was working at the 'Harbour Pool Club'. We could RANT about that too, but Ann's trying to limit the amount of ranting she does. Lol!

Anyway she took a photo of my grey eyelashes. Until a couple of weeks ago Ann didn't even know that dogs had eyelashes??!! Mmmmmm................ Has she never ever looked at me properly when she grooms me every night??!!  Anyway nothing else to Blip today so that's why you're getting a photo of my grey eyelashes.

…...........And as for the RANT. Don't you just hate it when holiday makers don't respect the home they are staying in? Holiday homes are 'non-smoking' so when Ann opened the door to clean today and was hit by a stench of stale smoke she was not happy. She was even less happy when she had to sweep up zillions of cigarette butts from the sun terrace and pick out loads of cigarette butts from the pot plants. Why do people do that? And we don't actually care if the people who were staying there actually find this BLIP and read this RANT. Holiday makers you actually need to learn to respect other people's property!

And then.................... the fat boxer dog, who was staying there, had obviously been allowed on the sofas and beds because one of the duvets was covered in mud and one of the sofas was covered in mud and there were loads and loads and loads of little short dog hairs covering everything. Why do people who come on holiday do that? I've been on loads of holidays with Ann. I've stayed in B&Bs and I've stayed in holiday let homes. And when I go away with Ann I take my own little travel duvet and I would never, ever, be allowed to go on someone's bed or someone's sofa. And when me & Ann go away together she always does a quick hoover of the place before we leave. To be honest, most doggie owners do the same.

But hey ho.................... I guess the 'silly season' is almost upon us. The two visitors who left today (property sleeps 5) had used every single bed and had used every single towel. Well actually, they probably hadn't, but their dog obviously had.

OK RANT over.

….....................Oh and because our BLIPS feed through to FB and TWITTER, and the owners of the very lovely holiday home that Ann cleans, are our friends on social media; just want to reassure you P&C...............everything is hunky dory. Sofas are clean, bedding is clean, sun terrace is clean, everything is clean. No need to worry about anything. …................Sometimes my very lovely owner just needs to have a bit of a RANT!!!


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