Simply Me

By Suze981

On the mend?

So Wesley has not been a happy little biscuit. He's playing and purring and generally been adorable, but he's been poorly and having a runny tummy.

After Giles I admit I'm slightly prone to overreaction as far as kittens are concerned. Last night I was convinced he was dying. I called my mum in tears because I just couldn't bear to lose him too.

A wee trip to the vets tonight then. Turns out, he's ok. He (and yes she confirmed Wesley is a boy) is not dying, he does not have cat flu or FIV (cat HIV), he may have worms, but he's probably just stressed at leaving his mum and not used to the new food.

Poor Wesley had to suffer the indignity of having his temperature taken (yes up there) and he got a shot of Zantac to settle his tum. I have special food for him and a tube of grey stuff to give him twice a day that will also help. This came to just shy of £50. It's a lot, but it's worth it to reassure me that my little biscuit will be around for a while yet. (What do you think of his new nickname too? I'm loving it)

We're going back next Tuesday for a check up and to hopefully get his injections and worming tablets. He was a little too poorly to have them today!

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