Up earlyish to this rather lovely light. With the ground wet with dew and my slippers on, I wasn't up for wading out into the garden for a better angle - so here's a shot from the back doorstep. A trip to the market, and some dessert baking for this evening, and it was time to re-learn PowerPoint. Along with our friends in Castres, we've decided to have a grown-ups weekend away together every two years (or every year: my notes on the 'meeting' where all this was decided are a little unclear...) Tonight was the long-scheduled 'pitch night' where we all pitch our plans, to be put to the vote.
Of course many long hours of preparation had gone into this pitch... which is why Mr B and I were frantically working on our pitches right up until the moment we had to jump in the car to head off.
But before work, a delicious dinner: smoked salmon on home made potato scones that were so light I could have eaten a hundred. But it's a good job I didn't, or I might not have had room for the perfect rounds of steak and foie gras. In fact, we were so full after all that that pudding became breakfast.
Then on with the show. After four very professional presentations (well, ok, mine was a bit lame) and some unnecessary shouting (from me) the vote was pretty much unanimous. So we're off on a canal boat. (Honestly, it's much better than it sounds.)
The evening wore on as they do with much nonsense spoken and the usual far far too late bedtime.
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