Big Bro Birthday Boy

The wild winds continue, and the poor trees and plants getting battered.  It's mostly been sunny all day, and dry too.

A day working in the museum office.  I had a meeting with the Lerwick observatory this morning, and will be helping out with a great project.  The afternoon was spent working with orders, and scanning photos. Lunch with mam and her friend Denise.  Been down to my brother's tonight, and then a dash to work in the pub.

Big bro Jonny is 43 today.  Me, man, dad and Elise stumbled in the door as him, Ruth and the bairns were having tea.  Wild birthdays are a thing of the past now, more civilised with a cuppa and cake.  L-R - Alex, Jonny, Isaiah, Michaela and Lena.  Taken at Bigton. 

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