The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Stemming The Flow

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Kitty Cat and I were chatting as we were waiting to go into our yoga class. Last week, Marsh, Kitty Cat’s partner had a nosebleed. It started about 2 am and wouldn’t stop. He woke her up about 3 am to ask what he should do. Her very sympathetic response was…

‘Get a tissue’

Kitty Cat is a nurse and as far as she’s concerned, it’s not serious unless you actually have a limb hanging off.

When I started laughing, she indignantly explained that when got up, she had tried to redeem herself by bringing him two tampons to put up his nose, and that her kind gesture had been met with a look of disgust!

‘Were they super plus?’ I asked.

We were then asked to keep the noise down from the serious yoga receptionist. I suspect my yoga journey may be coming to an end!


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