Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Tempus Fugit !

Another day of Java training for me today. I think my brain has reached optimum capacity after day 3. Stuff I knew yesterday just didn't make sense today.

Not sure how I'll last another 2 days. Sometimes I feel like a complete numpty - especially when everyone is rattling away at the keyboard and I'm staring at a screen full of Greek!

No house=husband to have my dinner on the table tonight. that means a quick dinner of Pizza and Chips for girls. Not exactly fine dining but went down very well with the troops (they love a 'Quickie tea'!)

Another day of exams for No 3. She took the afternoon of studying to go see the new 007 movie and gave it the seal of approval. She said this movie had more of the relationship between double-oh himself and Mrs 'M' Dench. Can't wait to see it (especially if there's another skimpy shorts scene !).

Emergency blip tonight. This is a lovely Art Deco style building was built in 1955 and has undergone a recent refurbishment which included a rather magnificent backlit clock.

Another 100 mph day tomorrow.

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