Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


I bought my love some flowers
Some pinks to be precise
She took a little look at them
And said "Oh! They're so nice"
"I've little vase
That I shall put them in
And I think that while I do that
I'll just have a nip of gin"

She snipped off their bottoms
And arranged them ever so neat
And once they had some water
The arrangement was complete
So carefully then she carried them
And placed them on the table
And I couldn't help but notice
She looked a trifle unstable

"They really are so pretty"
She giggled and then said
"You brewing? Well, not for me!
I'll have another nip instead"
And flopping on to the sofa
She gave me a crooked smile,
A tiny wink then closed her eyes
And nodded off for a while

I went into the kitchen
And made my self a brew
To find that everything there
Was scattered and askew
My love who's normally sober
Had had a bit of a drink
And why she should do that
I really could not think

But then I saw the calendar
With today circled in red
"Our wedding anniversary"
The note below it read
And in tiny letters she'd added
"I know he will forget"
She usually grins and bears it
And tries not to be upset

But for once I had surprised her
I had made myself a note
But she had been worrying
And chucking gin down her throat
I cleaned everything up
As fast as ever I could
Then went to sit beside her
And said I understood

She started to say she was sorry
But I stopped her with a kiss
And said it wasn't her, but I
Whose actions were amiss
I said I was so privileged
To be there by her side
And happily then she snuggled up
And into my arms did slide

Terry Rhiannyr
November 2012

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