...Oh today!
A 'Good To Be Alive' day.
The buzzin' of the bees ('in the cigarette trees'.... Did we really sing that as seven yr olds in school? Yup, we did), the burring of the wrens (my word, but they do, don't they?) and the picking of the blackcurrants for the making of the jam...
Ooo - Hot, hot, hot... Jam making on a hot day... Hot kitchen, hot cook, hot jars. Hotness R Us.
But still...Blackcurrants, picked from the garden and made into something wholesome... (OK, not exactly wholesome, given the amount of sugar... But 'yummy' perhaps?). Hope it sets.
The most interesting teeny wildlife in the garden today (for me) were caterpillars. Waving their little tails in the air and all jumping (as though startled) at the same time... And, my word they are laying to waste a particular plant (when I know what it is I'll log it). Little yellow 'balloons' erupt from (well?..) one end of them, and, quite frankly I have spent way too long in the observation of that.
And bees. Gotta love the bees.
Happy hotness everyone.
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