Silverback (Day 1149)

Another glorious day in Orkney which I missed whilst I worked away in the en-suite. The trickiest birts of wet wall are now cut and on the wall, and I should finish it off tomorrow with luck.
I arrived back home without a blip and thought that I would likely get something when my beautiful wife and I headed across to Stromness to meet up with Silverback  and  Legs for dinner. 
We all had a lovely meal then a bit of a wander around afterwards. Silverback suggested this shot (the sign between his legs reads "No Entry"), and I had to lie on the ground to get the angle. I am not very confident with pictures of people, and wouldn't have tried it without his suggestion. Even without the sign, I reckon it works as a reasonable picture. The extra, perhaps, says more...
It is a shame that work commitments have meant that our time with Scott and Lee has been limited, but it has been great to meet them and show them a little of this fabulous place we are so lucky to live in. I hope we will see them here again.

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