
By Madchickenwoman


A  perfectly dismal night followed by a dismal day!
The heat in my attic bedroom gave me a fractured night and I couldn't seem to get in any position that didn't make my hip hurt. At 4 am I remembered I had a fan under the bedside table - that made it a bit more bearable but at 6.30 I admitted defeat and got up. At least it was nice and cool on the allotment and the hens got let out early! I watered and picked yet more gooseberries then began to feel the IBS flaring up and had to head for the raspberry patch and then home.
I had hoped it would settle as I was meeting up with Vegan Jo for a day out - but it didn't so I had to cancel. It didn't really settle till after midday and after eating I felt like a well  inflated balloon, but very deflated in mood. maybe that is why the new neighbours irritated me as I was watering my garden in the eve! They have taken into the habit of exercising their dog in the back lane with a ball. The lane is a car width and not ideally suited for such a thing, but what really grates is their effusive praise every time the dog catches the ball! If it was when it brings it back to them I could understand, but it's every bloody time it catches it! Now a dog is either a ball lover and expert catcher or it's not, the throwing of the ball is reward enough for the dog, the pleasure implicit and sufficient in itself for it. Well imagine my pleasure when the man miss threw  it and it landed in my bamboo and everlasting sweetpeas! In trying to retrieve it he only pushed it down further! I called out to him to warn him there was a wasp nest where he was poking and that this and the meter depth of foliage meant I could not rescue it for him! Well he continued thrashing around and then admitted defeat - I muttered under my breath how it served him right for throwing the ball in the back lane! OMG I thought, I  have turned into my neighbour from my childhood home! She used to collect balls that got kicked into her garden and store them in her garage - often giving them to me! The children were far too scared of her to ask for them back, and even if they were brave enough she said no! 
Oh and the wasp nest is proving not to be a problem. I had one on the allotment  and only got stung once when I was weeding near it and a wasp got caught in my skirt! The wasps are uninterested in my garden and I watch them zoom in and out over the fence! The only tricky part is that their flight path back passes the bird feeders, and I have to be careful when filling those - they have bounced off me a few times! 
As the evening wore on I told myself to buck up - it's been a long time since I felt quite so bad and one bad day should not overshadow the other better days. I'm actually keeping a record of my days, colour coded red, orange and green. Most days are half green half orange, some are just green, and a few red - today was definitely a red day! However on a red day it's reassuring to look at the preceding days and get it all in perspective! Plus it was far too hot to be out doing anything anyway!!

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