Dinner Guests

A beautiful sunny day, all day and night.  Breezy at times, but dry and warm.

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  We were thinking it was going to be busy, as a cruise ship was in Lerwick, but with the fine day, we didn't see many of the passengers.  Got home and helped finish final preparations for dinner tonight.  A good few hours later, and now my feet are up.

Tonight I've had friends and family over for dinner.  Saying dinner, well I didn't do much.  Peerie Brian made two soups (tattie and lentil), Madeline made bannocks and mam made fruit salad for pudding.  We invited May Stewart over too, and a great spree had by all.  L-R - Dad, me, May, peerie Brian, Madeline, big Brian and mam.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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