Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Been up to Emley Moor today for a few meetings and introduce the new boy to all the folk up there. Quite a useful day. I didn't get to go up the tower on this occasion - maybe next time.

Had to take a hire care and was given a Vauxhall Insomnia Insignia. Don't know if I'm too used to my car, but this wandered constantly all over the motorway. It needed little corrections all the time to keep it where you wanted it. Also, for a 2l car, it seemed somewhat gutless at low revs - somewhat odd for a diesel.

Any way, back in time to take Jonathan to his football which left a few minutes to get a blip this evening.

This is the Ropewalk car-park in Nuneaton, all it up. As car-parks go, this one is nice and airy and had wonderful glass enclosed stairways.

Press L to park closer

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