Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Last day surprise

It was the last day in our current office for many of us - a few were leaving the company, most of us start work 20+ miles away on Monday.

For some others, they continue to work until their jobs are moved many miles away, and, like may of us, they are unable to follow the job. They will be working in just one office in the whole building for several months.

I have worked with this most affected group for quite a few years and got to know them all. In fact, I have work with all of them probably more than most of the others in te building, so, it's quite a big and sad day.

For some, if not most, it's quite possible that we might not meet again. So, to thank them all for being wonderful, tolerant and lovely people, I bought a couple of boxes of quality biscuits for them to devour (always welcome) and for the team leaders, they each got a bunch of flowers. This is just one of those flowers - a white rose, somewhat 'played-with'.

They won't be forgotten anytime soon.

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