
By LadyPride

Ranatidine and Me-time

Very tired today. Not in a chippy blippy mood am afraid.

Had yet another hospital appointment for Audrey today. An NHS one this time (well overdue in my book). Reflux again though, snooooze. Am so over it. Turned up late so ended up having to feed her in the waiting room. To make the point to the consultant that she was here for her reflux, Audrey threw up all over my husband and I spectacularly just as we went in. Which amused our consultant no end.

He was great though. Very pragmatic. Took her off the current meds and got us to try Ranitidine - which to be fair is the one I'd expected the first consultant to put her on. I hate hate hate all these meds in her teeny body. I can't wait until this stops and she's better. This one feels like the last throw of the dice so let's hope it works.

I had meetings and work to do this afternoon so Gemma came over. She shouted me downstairs at one stage as Audrey had rolled over and she wanted to check we'd seen it. We had but the delight on Gemma's face was brilliant. Nice to see her so excited about our munchkin.

It might have been my imagination but Audrey seemed very content this afternoon (post meds). Was it the new meds? Or the lovely Gemma's calming effect? Only time will tell.

Headed into town on my own this evening for a hair cut, some shopping (Primark blitz for lots of pyjamas!!!) and a sneaky Yo Sushi. Felt great. Needed my own company. Manchester is so vibrant at night, especially with all its Christmas windows. The shops stay open late from now until January, so I'd be tempted to pop in again at night for some me-time.

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