The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cute Cousins

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Another day, another visit to see Mary Doll and Victor. They hadn’t seen the Mini Princesses yesterday. They are also looking after Bella for a week and we thought it would be nice to take her for a walk with Murphy.

SHE GAVE ME ANOTHER F’IN DRESS. Worn once. The ‘problem’ with this one is that it has shoestring straps and she feels it is too revealing.

I said that she probably didn’t want to be showing her thupnies at her age. Then I had to explain the rhyming slang. Then I got a row!

We had a lovely walk. The dogs were very cute together. Until they raced ahead and started tucking into horse poo. I wasn’t as keen to have doggy kisses for a while after that!


PS She sharply asked about the marks on my neck with a knowing and disapproving look. It is a sad day when you have to explain to your mum AT THE AGE OF 45 that you don’t have hickeys!

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