The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Breaking Down Barriers

Dear Givers of Treats,

I am a genius. That’s right. A genius.

The neighbours LOVE me. The lady neighbour especially loves me and always talks to me when she is in the garden. I like to put my my head through the fence and she gives me an ear scratch.

I felt bad for her because she can’t give me a proper cuddle. I know how much she wants to, so this afternoon, when they had visitors, I pulled off a piece of the fence and jumped through the hole to surprise them. I had a lovely time getting cuddles and I even managed have some yummy crisps before The Prince came and took me home.

I waited until the other people had gone so they could have me to themselves and decided to pay them another visit. They had gone inside so I bounded in to say hello. They were DELIGHTED to see me. I was having so much fun. I grabbed one of their slippers and started racing round the garden. The man neighbour thought it was a great game and joined in running around too.

The Prince came to get me again. They were muttering about ‘needing to get a bloody joiner’.


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