
We had beautiful sunny weather today so we had a morning at the beach. CyclopsJnr dug some holes and leapt about the rock pools. Before we knew it, it was lunch time. CyclopsJnr was allowed one go on the fair and he chose the bungee trampoline. He loved it. Then back to our flat via the bakery.

Lunch. Nap. 

In the afternoon we went up to the Abbey. We planned to have a look around and run about, and also fly a kite which is something CyclopsJnr has been pestering to do for a while. When we got there they had a kite festival on. Even better. We were able to make a kite together (CyclopsJnr chose black with a blue tail) then fly it. Brilliant, what a lovely activity. Then we flew our own shop-bought kite too.

CyclopsJnr also loved another activity at the Abbey - shooting a model Dracula with a crossbow. We did a lot of that.

Then we went out to dinner together, for tapas.

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