
By AnnieBScotland

on fire!

was going to give you a blip of my coffee break till I got home just in time to see THIS!!

from the bedroom window, straight out of the camera, on 'vivid' setting. can't believe a sky like this after such a miserable day!

had to take Iain to Glasgow for 10.30 and collect him at 3, and had some bits and bobs to do for SITE in the wilds of Kirkintilloch, so had time to get some shopping in - the cupboards are bare - and have a bit of breathing space for lunch at Cafe Nero on Crow Road.

Couldn't resist my first mince pie of the season!!

daughter #1 is heading up from London in my new car - we've done a deal as she doesn't need a car in the smoke - and will be around for over a week, which will be good.

re - yesterday's blip. the yorkshire friend has gone for the green pot with the dragonfly, so I think it must be a girlie thing. I am surprised, I have known Susan for 37 years and was sure she would choose the red one, tho that was her second choice!

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