
By AnnieBScotland


in our house, stands for 'read the flippin book'! or even a bit stronger

took possession of my new car today, officially, I bought it from daughter #1, who got a job in central london about 9 months after she bought it. since then she has been quietly hinting that, as I needed a new car (the old focus was Ok but expensive to keep) and as she needed to sell hers, the obvious thing was for me to buy it. So in the end I did.

it is a little Mazda 2, nippy, cheap to run (£30 a year road tax!) and ideal for me. and it has folding in wing mirrors at the touch of a button!! cool eh!

small car, big manual. you are either an instruction manual reader or you are not. if you are not and can't figure something out you get RTFB! yelled at you. but I never get yelled at as I always RTFB. problem is the B for the new car is literally an inch thick! so it will take me a while to R it. never mind, it is raining and all is quiet - John is having a snooze and daughter has been dropped off at a friend's wedding and won't be back here till tomorrow.

if I was in the habit of giving my cars names, which I'm not, I might be inclined to call this one 'Poppy' in view of remembrance day tomorrow.

I am very disorganised for the weekly challenge, my excuse being I only got home late Tuesday night. do you think this could be entered for the 'lipstick' topic, seeing as it is very definitely bright lipstick red!

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