
By bananablip


I'm working on Saturday so I took the day off today instead. My strategy at the moment is to take as many days off in the week as I can as inevitably the actual summer holidays are going to be rainy and full of children.

SS (ever gracious towards me and my crazy plans) and I headed off to the Bridges in Ratlinghope to park the car with the aim of walking a circuit around the Long Mynd, to the reservoir for a swim and then back to the Bridges for a pint of Three Tuns. Armed with lunch, water and sunscreen we headed off and made it to the reservoir about three hours later. Very ready for a swim by that point! A lovely refreshing dip before the (slightly shorter) walk back. Six hours and 27,000 steps later, we were back at the pub for dinner and pint.

Glorious drive back over the Mynd feeling a mixture of holiday vibes and gratefulness to actually live here.

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