Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Autumn leaves

Back blip from Saturday. I downloaded Helicon Focus and Helicon Remote to have a try at some serious focus stacking. A handful of leaves grabbed from the front garden from the pile accumulated from the Acer that was seen in a blip from a week or so ago.

This is the first attempt at using Remote - just a straight set up and shoot without reading any instructions (I'm a bloke - I don't need instructions - yet lol).

The images were put into and processed into a composite on Focus. It's pretty good but there are some artefacts around the pointed leaf. Think I'm going to have to read the instructions now to get the best. But, in terms of creating a stunning macro with lots of DoF ) the opposite of many of my recent flower shots, I think this is allows automation of the fiddly manual bits that I've done before.

I ran out of time to upload this yesterday as we were off out for a family meal then off to see Skyfall. I have to say, it really was entertaining and extremely well shot. Javier Bardem plays a cracking role almost as good as Keith Ledger in The Dark Knight. There are few 007 gizmos but some great action sequences. It even has a story! ]Two hours Twenty minutes - felt like an hour. Always a good sign of a great film.

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