The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Easy Exit

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was demob happy at work today. I am off after today for almost 3 weeks! I even managed to finish off the tasks I had been allocated yesterday so for one time only, the build up to time off was stress free. I didn’t have the horrible ‘day before going on holiday’ experience where unexpected complications spring out of nowhere and the constant worry of not getting everything done.

I went out with Dodzilla and Rod after work to the Cambridge bar for burgers and beers. and then to the Hanover Tap (for more beers!). It was great fun. The chat ranged from reminiscing about being teenagers, to silly beer stories and also some serious chat about challenges with parents (not mine, thankfully). There was also the usual inappropriate abusive banter.

I put my sensible hat on when the pub closed and declined Rod’s suggestion of going to Fingers for ‘one’ more drink. Fingers is an abyss. Once you tip into the abyss that is Fingers, you can pretty much guarantee that Mr Raging Hangover and his friend ‘The Fear’ will be visiting in the morning. I decided to avoid that for the first day of my holiday.


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