The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Fascinating Feet

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went to a restaurant tonight and there was a table of guys who looked like they were on their first holiday without their parents. They were all in good spirits and had clearly had a few shandies, but one of them may have had a few more shandies than the rest. After spending quite a lot of time working out how to put his baseball cap on his head, he wandered outside, sat in a wall to have a fag and spent a good 5 minutes, circling his feet and staring at them in complete confusion which made us all giggle. A lot. After having a lovely time out eating dinner and playing cards with The Mini Princesses, we headed back to the hotel to meet The Explorer and co to wait for Eliza and her son Addie who are joking us on holiday. The arrival of someone new led to more overexcitement; Boots started ordering cocktails and the evening became quite hazy. I’m glad no one else is joining us*. Not sure my liver could take it!


*Unless it’s either or (preferably) both of you turning up to surprise me

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