Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Thursday — Painted Sky

Last night humans lit-up the sky in front of our place. Tonight God lit-up the sky!

I leaned out the end window to capture the colors of the sky reflected in the window.

Today was Jane’s last full day with us; she heads for home tomorrow morning. So today we did some “sight-seeing.” We drove a few miles south to Avila Beach on Port San Luis. It’s a beautiful place and lots of tourist were there.

Then we drove a few miles north and inland to San Luis Obispo. We went to “Fred & Betty’s Thrift Store” (one of the nicest thrift stores I have ever visited). We also enjoyed lunch at our favorite little “House of Bread” sandwich shop. Because Jane is eating healthy, dieting, and losing lots of weight, she had the clerk make her sandwich with lettuce wrapped around the ingredients, instead of bread.

Then we took the country roads out of SLO to Los Osos and then toward Morro Bay for a quick grocery store stop and then north to Cayucos, where we did a drive-thru of the Bella Vista Mobile Home Park, where RVs are welcome overnight. This was a thoroughly interesting and enjoyable day.

Tomorrow, Friday, the heat wave begins. We are delighted to be here and not at our SoCal home where temperatures are forecasted to be 115 F. It will be 83 F here.

From Cayucos, on
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun,) aka Carol

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